We will be down ...

Hi all 
We will not be posting for some time 

Remember tech tips can come anytime of the day or week and anytime of the month and year 
so keep your eyes open for more software tips later on 

you can still visit my site @ www.wix.com/saakeman/tech 
and view  my Facebook @ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Todays-tech-with-The-Saakeman/117811541610144

follow me on twitter @ www.twitter.com/thesaakeman 


German firms blocking Facebook.....

"Berlin - Many of Germany's top companies are blocking access to Facebook and other social networking sites over fears of industrial espionage and other security concerns, according to a report released on Sunday."

"Many external social media sites are no longer available to most of our staff due to security concerns, said a representative for the second-biggest German bank, Commerzbank."

from: news 24 

Sites with too much ad's ?

Ever get cut off with going to a site and getting constant popups or annoying ad's ?
now thats something we all hate, like the Google ad's on the YouTube videos.
How much do you hate it ?
Do you use extensions like ad blocker ?

Now add blocker is the nice's extension/add-on I have used. It blocks ad's before it download, so you stay ad free. It also work's on YouTube
try it now for Chrome or Firefox

really one or two or even three ad's is enough for me but popups and a thousandths of ad's is annoying!
Some anti viruses come with an add banner remover.....

Do you hate ad's ?

The browser for this blog ?

Now I went and looked at my blog's stats and amazingly after chrome comes IE
Most people visited this site on IE,And most were on windows machines some on mac and then 2% other ....

Now I have nothing against IE, But if you were on this site or went to this site you mostly are a geek or person wanting information about Tech. So my question is, Why do most use IE ? 

I wanted to know the answer for some time now and, Yes I have tested it on a browser bench mark. The score wasn't really high (780 to be precise). Chrome was even higher than that with a score of 7500, and I don't like to lie (Remember if your system is slower or faster the results will have a difference's).

Is it just that some persons don't know about other browsers ?
Or they don't want to use another browser ?
Maybe they don't want to install more software ?

Now for what ever Major browser you use,This blog will always run right.
Like IE,Opera,Chrome, the all popular Firefox,Safari,Maxthon etc. ....

What ever the reason, The browser for this blog is (excluding chrome (who was first) IE !
Whether it is IE 9 or IE 8, it stays IE.   

Linux Gaming

Linux gaming with Steam
I don't know if steam is officially launched for Linux but i can say that some user would like steam on the linux desktop , for : playing games like Half life , portal,team fortes etc....
Now i don't use Linux any more, Because of the Non gaming ..
But when this is out or are stable I would consider a switch ....
now games like Warcraft or call of duty are not yet on Linux distros but, I think they will follow shortly.

Linux is that other option when you don't want to buy windows or mac and it runs great with most of the app's installed  (funny I should mention apps , because it is more like mac and the interface is like mac )
now you get to interfaces KDE or Gnome
I use KDE but the Gnome are also nice.

Try Linux for yourself @  www.ubuntu.com/
   note all of the top are different linux distro's and It is your choice what you try :)    

Software to stop laptop theft ...

The new software by IT specialist's .... just keeps your laptop safe :)

"A company specialising in security has unveiled a software package that promises to give laptop users the ability to track down their computers in the event of theft.
CyberSentry runs in the background on laptops and will enable the user to "track a lost or stolen laptop using GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi or IP trace" the company said."
Information from: News 24

I hope this software doesn't take to much Computer recourses, I would also like to know if they are going make this for mac ?
this looks like something persons like you and me are going to buy, Just for that extra line of security.
I mean would you buy like $50 of software to safe a $1000 laptop ??

you know what would be the best thing. If you could say from another computer to shut your computer down and give no access to the computer , not even in safe mode.
The only why the computer will not be traced if 1. the hardrive was replaced 2.the windows or mac was formatted  3.the computer never has internet.

file,folder's and color !

Files and folders + color = Folder maker free

Folder maker free is the software to make all your folder icons a bunch of color.
Just chose the color and the folder.
Make it any color and make it funky, make your work interesting, and organize your folders.
Even if they are on the desktop , documents , downloads etc.


Facebook and Skype As Friends ?

Facebook and Skype as friend and team up ?

As said Skype 5.0 has some new feature and some Facebook users will love
like News 24 says:
"The new Skype version 5.0 for Windows includes a Facebook tab and integrates Facebook's news feed and phonebook into Skype, the Luxembourg-based Skype said in a statement"

"Skype users can call Facebook friends directly on mobile or landline phones, send SMS messages or make free Skype-to-Skype calls to Facebook friends who are also Skype users, it said."

that sounds great !

"They can also post status updates to Facebook that can be synched with Skype "mood" messages and comment on Facebook friends' updates and wall posts."

Seems like Facebook just got themselves a great program for persons to use instead of going on the Facebook website.
Just a pity you can't chat from the Skype program/application.
I would have preferred it more if they use like a browser inside Skype, but thats there development...
Every other site that can connect with Facebook isn't that good,The best is to go on the site.
What do you think ?      

Facebook privacy

Are you sure your information is protected on Facebook ?
Are you sure your privacy settings are right ?

The new Facebook privacy setting's give us a variety of ways to secure our self from the unknown.
The new implemented Settings:
1.I don't want your message ! Yes, Take the send me a message option away if you are not friends.
2.Leave my photo's alone ! make your photo's private , and let only your friends see it.
3.don't just add me as a friend ! oh yes , if you don't want anyone to be able to use the add as friend button
you can leave them a nice note like, This person will add you if they know you so contact them to let them add you.
4.do not show your private information

what friends need to see and others don't:
1. friends may see your photo's,but some guy that have to many time on Facebook going through your personal photo's, I don't think you want that.
2.your info is your info , so keep it safe and spam free.
3.only share info like your bio, so when people go to search you they see if it is the right person.

what others need to see:
1.your friends, so they know if you are the right person
2.your bio, so they know if your the right person
3.male or female
4.your hometown


E-mail vs social media

The outbreak of million's of Facebook users has beaten e-mail!!
Although some persons use email different than other ( maybe work , news letters)
But the twitter and Facebook users have found faster more reliable way of chatting in the world 
Like using Facebook chat or twitter updates.
Just look at the difference:
social media ~
1. you might post some photos on Facebook rather than e-mailing it
2.you might chat faster on Facebook than e-mail
3.you can quickly watch what your friends or family was doing ( I don't think you will e-mail them to ask that )

E-mail ~
1.need it for most of the websites (to register)
2.Might be for work
3.More personal

E-mail might stay as the more personal and classy way, but Social media will stay on top!

If you want to social Media combined with Email, here is a few tips:
Use Facebook messages to send messages to your followers or friends.
Use direct message or reply's on twitter
Give your email to the world! If I can't find your email, I am not going to email you.


My newsletter

Subscribe to my news letter
just email news letter to my email adress ( which is in the photo at the top of my home page)

then I'll keep you updated !  

The Rocket dock.

The new rocket dock is something many of you know already.
The little program is like the dock on mac.
You drag and drop icons on the dock to make your desktop look cleaner or to make nice shortcuts to your programs 

look cooler and have a better windows experience 
with dock skins icons and many more !!
Rocket dock on my computer (Transparent  )


Need a decent mail program ?
tired of the same e-mails you sent ?

Try incredimail
a free program that, send's email in a classic /cooool way
Nice backgrounds
Notifier (like animated graphical thing that notifies you about new mail)

The chatroom

On the right hand side !
see it , aghhh
try looking again not to high not to low !

yes it's our chat-room and just type a nickname and click log in
start to chat with the community
about tech and stuff !

Downloads that stops

"my downloads stop in the middle of downloading"
might that be your problem ?

I have found that sometimes or something I download stops.
I tried everything , but still it wont work.
Then I tried something out of the browser, something like a program that downloads and manages your download for you.

is a great free program that uses Firefox or EI and when you click download, it downloads in the program. You can pause the download or resume the download, it downloads fully and Faster than a normal browser.


Todays tech with The Saakeman is now on facebook !!!

join today

twitter also