IE 9 beta

Internet explorer 9 beta is out !!

Cool thing is they redesigned it to use your GPU (graphical processing unit) to render web pages so your web experience is better, cool huh  ??
I have run this baby on an html 5 test
test your browser now ! 
96 out of 300
Google chrome scores 217
maxthon scores 160
opera 10 scores 142
remember it is still a beta so much will be changed !
now pining sites to the taskbar is making web browsing faster
ei 9
 ei 9 2
Notice the apps on the taskbar like FACEBOOK OR GOOGLE
and the COLOUR that changes on the browser with the icon !!
the one with msn open is the normal browser , the one with facebook has blue colour , the one with google has green
That means i have just pined my favourite web site to let it act as an app !
try it now !
Thanks the saakeman