Software to stop laptop theft ...

The new software by IT specialist's .... just keeps your laptop safe :)

"A company specialising in security has unveiled a software package that promises to give laptop users the ability to track down their computers in the event of theft.
CyberSentry runs in the background on laptops and will enable the user to "track a lost or stolen laptop using GPS, 3G, Wi-Fi or IP trace" the company said."
Information from: News 24

I hope this software doesn't take to much Computer recourses, I would also like to know if they are going make this for mac ?
this looks like something persons like you and me are going to buy, Just for that extra line of security.
I mean would you buy like $50 of software to safe a $1000 laptop ??

you know what would be the best thing. If you could say from another computer to shut your computer down and give no access to the computer , not even in safe mode.
The only why the computer will not be traced if 1. the hardrive was replaced 2.the windows or mac was formatted  3.the computer never has internet.