Sony PlayStation bridge! Are you secure in this world?

Sony, the creator's of PlayStation, admitted a few days ago that there data has been bridged. Over seventy seven million people's data is vulnerable! This might be the largest data bridge ever. It have already been reported to the FBI, but they say that "Sony took to long to report the bridge". The hackers have access to your username and password, your name and address, your date of birth and credit card information. 
We thought we could have trusted Sony, but this let us think again, can we trust other companies?! 
Do Sony think, that it's all right to just give out there user's info like that? Sony is a big company, they should have had the security in place, for the day this might happen! 

What if this happens to Google or Microsoft? You use Google right? Do you have a Google account? 
Users expect companies to protect there info they give them. Microsoft with the largest OS market, must take this as a eye opener! We can't let hacker's, hack big companies left and right.... Your users is a stake! 
If Sony failed, who will be next?