Hackers have broken into Citibank’s computers!

Hackers have broken into Citibank’s computers, stealing names, account numbers and contact information of customers, the bank said in a statement.
Citibank discovered a data breach in early May, according to theFinancial Times, but did not disclose the details about the hack.
In a statement to the AP, Citigroup says it has taken measures to prevent these types of attacks and that it is informing affected customers about the incident. The hack affected about 1% of the company’s 21 million customers.
The Citibank hack follows several other high-profile attacks in recent months. Most infamously, a series of hacking attacks on Sony took down the company’s PlayStation Network for about a month, and hundreds of thousands of user profiles containing personal information were exposed.
via BBC News

Wow, hackers is out on the attack! 
First Sony now Citibank. Who's next? You? me? him? she? it? Who?? 
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