Social security Update! Safego!

Safego by bitdefender is an app for Facebook which protects your computer, while you browse sites like Facebook
   Posts on your wallcomments from friends, Inbox messages: sharing's the name, having fun is the game. Well, at least until an infected link or a ton of spam steps in to spoil it.Using in-the-cloud scanning, BitDefender safego keeps your social networking account safe so that you and your PC don't get into e-trouble. An efficient BitDefenderspam repellent also helps keep your message flow free from this kind of blah-blah.
Safego uses Bitdefenders cloud scanner to scan your Facebook for bad links and spam!  It's like Magically scanning the links in the background while you socialize and explore.


After installation, BitDefender safego automatically scans the content posted on users’ Wall and News Feed  Users will be warned in case a message in their News Feed, on their Wall or in their Inbox contains links to malware or is considered to be spam by the BitDefender scanning engines.

How does it work?

BitDefender safego uses the BitDefender antimalware and antiphishing engines to scan URLs in the cloud. This scanning process is based on a blacklist of untrusted web sites and on heuristic detection.
Uninstall Safego

The BitDefender safego application can only be installed subsequent to obtaining users’ consent as to the application’s right to access the content of the users’ Facebook account.

Just as with any other application for Facebook, users can uninstall it by going to the Privacy settings of their Facebook profile and then click Remove.
The thing for me is, I always wanted such an app (application), and now it is here:

More on this app later, as I test and explore it :) 

Firefox 5 Vs Google chrome 12

The title say it all. Today I will be testing Firefox vs chrome.
The test I will run is: Acid 3, peacekeeper, java-script

Acid 3: (more is better)

Sun Java-script (less is better)

Peacekeeper (more is better)

Electronic arts hacked

Electronic arts have admitted they have been hacked and users information was stolen. The hackers might have taken birth dates, phone numbers and mail addresses.

The account's that was hacked was associated with the game Neverwinter 

"Our investigation shows that information such as user names, encrypted passwords, email addresses, mailing addresses, names, phone numbers, CD keys and birth dates from accounts on the server system associated with Neverwinter Nights may have been compromised," the company said on its website.

A few weeks ago SEGA Sammy holdings inc. was also hacked and 1.3 million users information was breached. Sony Playstation is still recovering from there recent hack, that stole 100 million users information on there network.

This makes me wonder, are we still safe on-line? Can we trust big companies such as: Google or Facebook etc.?  

Microsoft - Skype deal, what happens with MSN?

MSN (Microsoft messenger) is the universal Windows instant messenger (IM). It comes bundled with Windows Live which included a Photo, Email, video editor and IM applications.  Now that Microsoft has bought Skype, What will happen with MSN or Windows live?

Firstly, what and who is Skype?
Skype is an voice over IP (internet port) application for Windows/Mac/Linux. In basic terms it's for Live voice and video calls over the internet with contacts you added. Skype has millions if not billions of monthly users, free and paid!

You might know MSN From previous blog posts.

Now the biggest question is what will happen with Windows live or MSN?
I personally don't see Windows live being removed anytime soon, it has to many valuable applications, like:  the E-mail app (application) and the video editor (since Windows movie maker was removed on windows 7)
There are of-course alternatives to these app's. For E-mail, there is Outlook (from Microsoft) or Thunderbird (from Mozilla)
For video editing, there is Sony Vegas (form Sony) or Final Cut Pro (from Adobe)  

If I were Microsoft, I would dis-continue it, since Skype is really up and coming (if you read other blog's, you might have notice that  it now supports Facebook chat and "news feed"). They can make Skype a really good product, for Windows as well the windows phone (Microsoft's smartphone). Also making this there main goal for a IM app, with the existing users , could only mean good expansion for Microsoft on other platforms. 

Why is Hardware So Expensive?

One word: Pirate it!

It might not seem like the ideal method to bring down your hardware price, But who will notice?
It's like I buy a windows laptop, pre-cracked, I am not going to worry if it's cracked or not.

kaspersky 2012

Even after the bombing of a "few" viruses, the PC was still alive! Isn't that what count?
And still, it let a few through until you run a scan.
Wait, what? I first need to run a scan to get these nasty viruses of my computer? I thought it would protect me!

Let's start at the beginning... You are browsing the web, enjoying facebook, twitter and google. Suddenly a download pops-up and you click allow, you are not notified of anything by your anti-virus. you get all kinds of pop-ups after that (as seen in video). You turn of your computer! and take it to the repair shop.
Where did your antivirus help you? nowhere!

That's why I use Comodo!
Comodo, uses DACKS tech ... Auto sandbox with Hips Tech (host intrusion prevention system), Uses White listing instead of Blacklisting.. has Behavior shield, have Cloud scanner, One of the best firewalls, Has Cloud behavior...

Have Real-time Sandbox (when an unknown file is picked up, no matter if it's bad or safe, it is send to comodo Labs for file check and then it's know as good or safe) You know when You get AV updates? Well that is a files that have the listings of bad files (no AV, can have 100 % bad file list(always miss some files), so that The AV can get the bad file.. 

Well comodo doesn't work like that, comodo has a Good file list, wich have all the good files from software makers on it and other files is bad/unknow...
BAD files is deleted and unknown files is Sandboxed and monitored by the HIPS module, also send to Comodo labs for testing.... Comodo also have DNS servers for bad websites, email and spam links.... Comodo uses 10-20 MB of ram and is fast! Trust me I also thought nothiung was better than Avast and kaspersky! but Since I used this program, I have yet to infect my main Computer... 

And the best part of it all is, IT'S 100% free.... 
Comodo also challenged Norton and Kaspersky at AV test's and they protected the compute 100% while Norton had to wait a while so the Updates could come to the bad files running in memory. What does this prove? 


comodo for the win 

Panda global security 1012 sucks!

This anti-virus is a badass. Don't argue! it just doesn't work!

Are You Using Google’s Music Beta?

Google’s Music Beta allows you to place your music collection in the cloud, quite similar to what Amazon’s Cloud Player and Apple’s iCloud do. The tech giants appear to be ready to get into a head-to-head battle with each other, with your tunes up for grabs. As of right now, Google’s Music Beta is free to use. How does it compare to the other offerings, though?
 You can download free tracks when you receive your invitation to the Music beta. As soon as it was announced, I signed up for my invite. I received it in fairly quick fashion. The email told me to click to accept, and had me download the program for my operating system. I was then easily able to sync my music into the Cloud with just a click or two. Chris Prillo 

Facebook real-time feed on your wall

Facebook has begun testing a new feature in the news feed that allow users to see what their friends are liking, sharing and commenting on in real time.
The Happening Now sidebar appears in a column to the right of the primary news feed, duplicating much of that content in shorter form, as shown in the screenshot above from Dazeinfo.

Users can click on an update to pull up more information without leaving the feed:

Facebook is constantly updating the site so it stays new, fresh and "the best"

Before Facebook, was myspace
and the reason myspace died, was because it wasn't being "upgraded" like Facebook!
Facebook stays new...

Get behind the Wall Street Journal paywall for free with a single click

The Wall Street Journal puts a large percentage of its news behind a paywall, requiring readers to sign up to read reports in full. Luckily, there is an easy, fully legal, way to access these articles and all it requires is Google’s Chrome browser and a lightweight extension.
Once installed, a small unlocked padlock is loaded next to the headline of each paywalled article on the WSJ website. A simple click is all that is needed to view the article of your choice. the next web 
Read WSJ Extension serves all of the WSJ’s articles, directly from its website, opening up reports that were previously behind a paywall.

 The trick isn’t entirely new; you are able to copy the full URL of the the Wall Street Journal article and paste it into Google to get the desired page, this extension makes it all so much easier.

OnLive Brings Proper Gaming To Tablets, HDTVs And We Go Hands-On At E3 2011

OnLive did E3 big this year. The remote gaming company launched a ton of new games, a universal controller, and displayed their tablet apps. In fact more than a few of our commenters disagreed with our dueling assertion that the Wii U and the Vita won E3 this year; they thought OnLive deserved our meaningless nod. That’s why we made sure we spent sometime at OnLive’s rocking E3 booth. 

Motorola Photon 4G on Sprint

Motorola has announced a new 4G smartphone called Photon 4G on Sprint and a device called Triumph on Virgin Mobile.

The Photon 4G is powered by Android 2.3 or Gingerbread, and sports a 4.3-inch qHD display, a 1 GHz dual-core CPU, 1 GB of RAM and 16 GB of storage memory (expandable to a maximum of 48 GB via a 32 GB SD memory card).

4G is this wonderful thing that gives you warp speed for your phone for surfing the net, downloading and streaming music and videos…. only problem is that we all have to pay extra for it even though its availability is scattered throughout the entire country and “coming soon” everywhere elce I’ve been except Vegas… The STATE of Arizona doesn’t have it, but pay for it…

The device, distinguishable by a kickstand on its back that automatically switches the screen into landscape mode when opened, is slated to hit the stores this summer. Its price has not been announced.
The device, distinguishable by a kickstand on its back that automatically switches the screen into landscape mode when opened, is slated to hit the stores this summer. Its price has not been announced. Mashable

Is Technology Designed to Break?

Our new commenting system

If you follow this blog, which I highly doubt, you will notice that we have implemented a commenting system, so it's easier to comment and start conversations. We also think that it's easier to log into and use than the "old" blogger commenting system.
We wanted to use lifefyre, becuase of the "real-time" comments, but it doesn't support blogger (for now). This really sucked, because we were hoping for a better commenting system than other blogs, and BTW, everyone is slowly switching to lifefyre.

So we had to use Disqus, which is also good but lacks the great feature of  "real-time" comments like lifefyre.
Disqus is being used all over the web! which make it easier for people who already have an account

If you have a WordPress blog, and would like to test lifefyre, just click here where it would take you through a tutorial. If however you use blogger, which isn't yet supported, and would like to try disqus, click here

New internet addresses for the test

IPv6 is the next-generation of unique identifying numbers for computers and other gadgets connecting to the internet and is designed to replace the original addressing system, IPv4, which is nearing exhaustion. IPv6 provides more than four billion times more addresses than IPv4 - more addresses, for example, than there are grains of sand on Earth.
The change to IPv6 mainly impacts internet service providers, websites and network operators who have to make sure their systems can handle the new online addresses and properly route traffic. News 24 
Great news for people with "big" websites! I must say since the "trial"test today, I have experienced faster page load on Google and Facebook! The pages look and feel stable.
It will be a huge job to switch everything over to IPv6, but it's worth it...

Where is my photos? Nexus S bug!

If you’ve found that photos are mysteriously disappearing from your Google Nexus S, you’ll be happy to know that it isn’t just you. But that’s about all the good news we have for you.
 The problem isn’t just limited to Sprint handsets. Users in the UK have been complaining about this glitch as well, so it clearly isn’t a carrier-specific problem. AT&T, on the other hand, hasn’t received any complaints about mysteriously disappearing photographs. Users themselves can’t seem to spot a pattern as to when or how the photos are being deleted, and the bad news, neither can Google or Samsung. The Next Web
More bug's in the road... Looks like every smart phone has them. :(

Android applications for Windows phone 7

As promised back in April, Microsoft has today released an Android to Windows Phone API mapping tool for developers which will help developers port existing Android applications to the Windows Phone platform. Like its iPhone counterpart, the tool doesn't actually port your code for you automatically. Instead, what it provides is a list of API mappings that acts like a translation dictionary from one platform to the next. Read Write Web

In basic terms!
This will allow Windows Phone 7 users to run Android like applications ("apps").
The new tool, available here for free is a part of a new package aimed at Android developers looking to extend their apps to other platforms  The new tool, available here for free, is a part of a new package aimed at Android developers looking to extend their apps to other platforms. Also included is a "Windows Phone 7 Guide for Android Application Developers" white paper which contains 90+ pages of information to help you learn Windows Phone.

Netbooks are still kicking!

Hp denies that netbooks are dead, and that Tablets are the future. Oh no, they are still sticking to netbooks like this one:
Hp Netbook ~ pic
What is a netbook?
If you don't know, take some time finding out! It might be your next best portable technology gadget... 
A netbook, is like a notebook (laptop) just smaller! 
Remember:  Notebooks is full computer that run windows or linux fully. They are just simply slower than notebooks and desktops, but boy are they small and handy tools...

Hp admits that tablets is taking the market, but keeps saying that notebooks are better. 
I agree, tablet keyboards is not easy to type with, it doesn't have the same applications as your desktop PC or MAC and it isn't as easy to quickly update a blog or type a document. 

although't from my piont of view, netbooks are slower, they get things done without hassel!

HP’s Pavilion dm1z is hardly a netbook that looks like it is swinging for the fences. It is modest and unassuming, a cleaned-up version of so many netbooks from years gone by. It aims to be your miniature workhorse companion and tries to look good while it’s along for the ride.
Performance is solid compared to other netbooks: AMD’s E-350 runs rings around the Atom, boosting performance about 50 percent over Atom-books (although many Atom netbooks fail to complete most benchmark tests altogether), and the improved graphics, while they won’t make the Pavilion your choice for a Portal 2 marathon, can at least get you along the Oregon Trail with aplomb.  
Wired news 
That is a kick in tablet's nuts! Just as fast and twice as small. It looks good and funky, it's fast, it's small, it's way better than tablets and it easier to use and type with. Looks like a good deal to me!

What do you think? Netbook or Tablet?

facebook sleeve tattoo

Video ~ woman gets facebook sleeve tattoo on her arm...
Having friends is a good thing, nobody wants to be alone! And showing your love to them is alright, but getting them tattooed on your arm,  is taking the facebook craze way to far

The artist who applied the tattoo, has admitted it was a transfer, not a tattoo.  
No matter what it is, it's still a little crazy! 

Hackers have broken into Citibank’s computers!

Hackers have broken into Citibank’s computers, stealing names, account numbers and contact information of customers, the bank said in a statement.
Citibank discovered a data breach in early May, according to theFinancial Times, but did not disclose the details about the hack.
In a statement to the AP, Citigroup says it has taken measures to prevent these types of attacks and that it is informing affected customers about the incident. The hack affected about 1% of the company’s 21 million customers.
The Citibank hack follows several other high-profile attacks in recent months. Most infamously, a series of hacking attacks on Sony took down the company’s PlayStation Network for about a month, and hundreds of thousands of user profiles containing personal information were exposed.
via BBC News

Wow, hackers is out on the attack! 
First Sony now Citibank. Who's next? You? me? him? she? it? Who?? 
It might be anyone, but to be protected from these criminals and crooks, get a personal Firewall! Comodo firewall is the one for this job. If you are concerned about security, see my post about Comodo
Get protected today, with Comodo! I use it and you? 

Comodo protects the user, other AV's clean, If you use Comodo, you are already protected, nothing to clean! 

Global Internet Traffic Expected to Quadruple by 2015

Global Internet traffic is expected to quadruple between 2010 and 2015, according to data provided to Mashable by Cisco.
~ Read more ~  

MAC OS X Lion review by Chris Pirillo
I must say, I couldn't have done this better.
Borrowing a few tips from Apple’s iOS platform, Launchpad displays your installed applications in much the same way as the mobile platform. Apps can be grouped together in folders, easily arranged, and deleted as simply as they are in iOS. When you install a new app, it appears in Launchpad automatically.
There are few things more aggravating than having to save everything, open programs, reload files, and set everything back up after an update-initiated reboot. Resume saves all of this information for you, so when the machine boots back up, everything is where you left it.
Auto Save and Versions
This is one feature that, if it works properly, could make the Mac a frontrunner in the business and productivity market. Auto Save works by saving documents you’re working on every five minutes, in addition to during quick pauses. In theory, this should work in much the same way Google Docs saves your progress, however this one is built in to the OS, so it will be interesting to see how well this integrates.
Versions works hand-in-hand with Auto Save. It functions a like a trimmed-down version of Time Machine, except its functionality is focused on documents rather than your entire system. Every time Auto Save makes a save, it stores just the changes and not entire copies of the file, reducing storage space required and helping Versions keep track of progress.
Mission Control
By bringing your dashboard, full-screen apps, desktop spaces, and open programs all together in a single place, Mission Control appears to be a great solution for users with limited screen real estate and a large amount of windows to keep track of. Dashboard appears in the upper-left corner of Mission Control with full-screen apps running along to top to its right. Your desktop and windows are set up in an Exposé view on the lower portion below.
Full-Screen Apps
OS X Lion introduces systemwide support for full-screen apps, giving you more screen space to work with. Coupled with improvements to multi-touch gestures, switching between full-screen apps can be done with a single swipe of the trackpad. This feature is especially useful for smaller notebook (MacBook, MacBook Air, etc.) users. Almost the entire lineup of Apple’s apps have been updated to work well in the full-screen environment.
Multi-Touch Gestures
Multi-touch gestures have been integrated in Lion to take advantage of the new features and make them easier to use. While this may mean very little to desktop users that are still using a keyboard and mouse to interact with their Mac, owners of multi-touch capable notebooks should be able to take advantage of the update.
This is one feature that likely won’t be for everyone. If you’re within 30 feet of other Lion users, you can transfer files directly to them without having to be connected via a wireless network or physical cable. AirDrop could come in handy in instances where you’re at a coffee shop or another public place with a friend and you want to send them a photo album or file without having to go through the hassle of finding a wireless network to do so. AirDrop will likely be a late bloomer as it depends on each user having Lion and a more current Wi-Fi card for it to work. Where it might take off down the line is in the business and educational sector, where an office or classroom has capabilities across the board. Turning in assignments could be handled more efficiently using AirDrop in these cases.
Other Features
Other features include: picture-in-picture zoom, a renewed Mail app, International braille tables, a high-resolution cursor, new sharing options in Quicktime, and numerous other smaller updates.
OS X Lion is certainly a bigger update than Snow Leopard was to Leopard, but it doesn’t have any absolutely killer features that make it a must-buy for most standard users. Lion offers considerably more for their line of notebooks in terms of usefulness than it does for Mac Mini, iMac, and the Mac Pro. Still, if Apple delivers on everything Lion promises, it will certainly make OS X more tempting to the business and educational sector.

a stupid Facebook like advert

really this is one stupid way of promoting your brand... Using a lot of likes, and I might not even like the product!
We’re big fans of the Facebook Like button here at The Next Web, which is why we want to share this new advert featuring tennis star Andy Murray and pretty much no other story line apart from the Facebook Like button. We’re all for integrating social media into your TV advertisements and having a unified approach to your marketing strategies but we’re pretty sure that there has to be a more creative way than this to do it.

Google maps update! see when your train/bus will arrive live

Taking the train


    Taking  Your Bike? 

Google has offered travel information in Maps for quite some time, but now it’s going real-time – in a handful of cities, at least.
The company has just announced that live public transport information has been added to Maps for Boston, Portland OR, San Diego and San Francisco in the USA, Madrid in Spain and Turin in Italy. Departure times for buses and trains will be updated in real-time, meaning that if your ride is late, you should know about it. ~ The Next Web

windows 8

Since this apple iPad thing, and other tablets, all the OS are starting to looks like a freaking tablet!
We want a desktop on desktop PC's and notebooks. I understand if they were to put it  only on touch PC's and tablets, but operating that thing with mouse and keybord looks hard... and to do easy stuff like copy, past. or view folders, just take longer!

even apple is making Mac OS X Lion like this. it is so hard to multi-task on windows 8... but on mac it's still easy... and mac still have a kind of usable desktop.

I hate to say it, but so far I hate all this tablet nonsense on desktop PC's. tablet OS is designed for tablets, not for desktops.

ubuntu 11.04 is taking that route
windows 8 is taking that route
mac is kinda taking that route

Why a Microsoft Branded PC Would Be a Good Thing

Oh no... not another apple MAC

I say, as I always say, Run what you want to run, use what works for you...
If you use windows, and they suddenly stop making OEM's or Stand alone OS's, and switched to making only "Microsoft branded pc's", I (I don't know about you) will switch to mac, fully! or linux...

They should keep doing what they are doing, because what they are doing, they are doing good!

What you might have missed...

It's been some time since I posted. Here is the latest news:

US to use force to respond to cyber-attacks