Unplugging your PC when the thunder comes.....

It sometimes is necessary to unplug your computer when there is thundershowers
I would believe that you don't want 3000 volt through your computer system...

Now here's some tips to what you can do to protect yourself against the thunder:
1. unplug all electronics near and on the computer. cordless phones also sometimes get hit, just unplug all.
2. you sometimes not just want to shutdown your computer, unplug the whole thing from the outlet.
3. I won't worry but if you really want to be protective, unplug your LAN cable. LAN cables has copper wiring inside them which also lets a small amount of thunder get onto you main board (motherboard)
you can also use surge protection but I will still stay safe, "Rather safe than sorry"
Here's what some users said on lockergnome.net:
 have a surge protector but I still do unplug my PC.. Just in case..
 I don't, I have surge protectors and that protect all of my computers. Although I will turn them off sometimes. I don't really know why just my parents live by the old way of doing things were if there is a thunderstorm we should turn off computers. But not unplug them..
In the UK all of our plugs have fuses built into them and are grounded. This protects from power surges so its pointless for us to do that. 

The iPad 2 from Apple!

The new iPad is in the making....
making  more competition in the tablet market. thinking that this great device will probably beat the Samsung galaxy tablet.

some rumors say It has a bigger screen that it currently have and some say that the built in speaker will be bigger. Overall the iPad 2 will be much thiner and lighter than the current one, also the bigger screen will make reading emails and watching movies easier. 
also built in will be a front facing cam, for apps like FaceTime 

The great thing about a tablet computer is the one main feature, SPEED! Tablet computers are way faster than netbooks and small laptops. 

what do you say? 

The hidden cam gets millions of hits! ~ Youtube

This video was uploaded to YouTube, YES YouTube! 
the video has a hidden rear view cam, so you are able to see the persons ass


 We are Jessie & Reanin. Our hidden camera will show you fellas and ladies how sly you aren't. from up loader.  
The video, titled Rear View Girls, shows some men making blatant double takes to ogle the women, while others, including a man with his arm around his girlfriend, are more surreptitious. NEWS 24.COM 
"If you've ever wondered what goes on behind your back, we've figured out a way to bust people, so checkout ass-cam," Johannink says in the clip. 
scary, Watch your back!
YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq0JcQ1dOwU

Wooow, another Linux post? YES: play on Linux

You know it's been hard to make windows programs run on Linux. :(

We have software from Wine to Play on Linux. Does all of them work? unfortunately no, some programs might work but other just won't go.
As for trying and updating these apps, not many success has been reached.

you might be able to run some programs inside them but they will always have the outcome of bugs.
What do you think, your trying to run a Windows program on a non windows system, of course it's going not going to run right!

well there is always the other option, a virtual PC (a OS runs inside an OS, using virtualization)
Free ones like virtualbox from Oracle, works actually good.
to run windows inside of Linux might be your only choice for now.

What do you think?    

Linux distro list 2011

A complete list of Linux (UNIX based system)

A small and powerful distro that runs on low spec machines.
Current Release: 2010.05
Included Kernel:

Scientific Linux


Chakra GNU/Linux

Pardus Linux

Parted Magic


List 2 coming ....

Organize your computer....

Folders, folders, folders...
Files, files , files....
no matter what, if you don't keep your PC organize, you are in a messy place. It's like being in a kitchen where everything out of order and unorganized, one big MESS!

well where to start?
what to do?
one easy way of organizing your computer is make folders of whats inside, like: documents, music and movies.....
here some steps to follow:
1. use your my documents folder, but don't just past everything in there. Make folders like my word files or my music etc.
2. use the folders!! don't be lazy, you can also make these folders on your memory stick, so they match your computers. Just a lost easier to use and maintain.
3.create a downloads folder. You will find this way easier to maintain downloads of apps, pictures and music, movies etc.
4.also make sub-folders and list views.This will help keeping the front view of your my documents cleaner with just a view main folders and folders inside that folders.
5. make shortcuts using the desktop or a dock. so easy to use and access...

There, isn't that better?
try it and tell me what you think

software list update....

Hi all here is a software list update:

1. operating system - windows 7 / Ubuntu 10.10
2. music player - windows media player, VLC, foobar 2000, rhythmbox, songbird
3. Video player - windows media player, VLC
4. photo edit - Photoshop, gimp, Photoscape
5. music edit - audacity, fruity loops studio, music maker
6. photo viewer - Picasa, shotwell, irfran view, adobe photo viewer, fast stone
7. skins and panels - Rainmeter (windows), conky (ubuntu), emerald (ubuntu), 
8. web browser - Opera 11, Google chrome, Firefox, IE 9, safari, seamonkey, arora, net surf
9. system cleaner - Ccleaner, sweeper (ubuntu), bleachBit (ubuntu)
10. copy Apps  - total copy, kill copy, Terra copy
11. defraggers -   Tune-Up Utilities DiskeeperO&O Defrag Professional, Defraggler
12. Security - Comodo, clam av, kaspersky, avast, avg, panda cloud, nod 32, norton, Microsoft security                essentials

13.Utils - F.lux, disc checker, java, google search bar

A complete update of what I think is the best free and paid apps
The ones I recommended is in red hi-lighted 

Music player preferences....

Music players are used on cross platform OS's. so here's an list of music players loved and used by other's:

iTunes - mac
WinAmp - windows 
Windows Media Player 11 - windows
Rhythmbox - ubuntu 
Thumbplay - Blackberry 
Rhythmbox - ubuntu 

here's what some users said:

I was using Thumbplay for a while. But, they ceased support (for the time being) for the Blackberry OS. Since I rarely listen to music on my computer, but enjoy the option, I dropped them and am currently using Rhapsody and Napster. I like having the option of being able to listen to any song ever recorded without having to purchase it or obtain it illegally. And, since I can do this both from any computer as well as from my blackberry, it suits me the best.
I'll be going exclusively with Napster as soon as they finish up their own Blackberry app. I only pay for a Rhapsody subscription atm for the mobile device support.
I don't use iTunes or WMP because I only have access to music I've purchased or already own. I prefer a client that support mobile DRM rights. The only disadvantage is that one can't burn CDs. But, my car stereo has an mp3 player so its not an issue for me.
Try them... 

The new LG 3D TV

The new LG 3D TV

A 3D cinema TV, that uses lighter glasses like that used at real 3D cinema's.

LG executive Havis Kwon said that there will be "fierce competition" in the 3D TV market.

Blog layouts

So what do you think, should blog layouts change regularly?
well thats a question for lockergnome.net 
A user said:

A good UI is one that has as little design as possible, you want it to be as efficient as possible so you don't have to change it.
If you have a blog and it is not very popular and it only has a small number of regular visitors then a change that they don't like could cause them to leave the site. Even a site as large as digg.com lost a large number of their users when they changed the UI and features of the site.
If possible, if you want to make a change, find a way to have 2 versions of the site and have users vote on which they would like, the old look or the new look. People are very reluctant to change especially if it doesn't improve efficiency, this is why many got angry at even the newer versions of ms word because a part of the redesign was to put less options but bigger buttons on the main screen and bury other commonly used tools in a menu where it took multiple extra steps to get to. 
well what is your opinion?
to see the post ~  http://goo.gl/1sZZ2 

The unity interface on UBUNTU 11.4

[Update] Ultimate unity vs gnome 3 post! 

Really, why would I post this?
Well I am not going to write about this interface, but instead a will link a YouTube video.
Also asked the question on lockergnome.net 
One user replied:

Yes, i like it, but since i'm not used to it, i like it less. It's a huge change in Ubuntu, i think it'll have a big impact on the users.
What do you think?  

The video.... Well I couldn't find Ubuntu 110.4 desktop edition, on YouTube, but this is Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook edition, the same interface as 11.04 desktop edition.

Unity is now officially launched!
After testing it, I am sad to say it sucks bad! But that doesn't mean it isn't GOOD...
the reason it "sucks" in my opinion, it isn't stable! if you want to upgrade to Unity, don't!
Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04, but choose "classic" gnome, before log in. The reason you must upgrade is, because of the new kernel, new features etc. 11.04 is also faster on my system (speed might differ form your's)

The reason it's "good", is because for noob/ new users, it's a better way to manage open windows and applications, also makes launching stuff easier from the "dash" and the unity "bar" (on the left off your screen). Also way better screen usage, it uses the WHOLE screen to it's max (when maximizing an folder or application, the close maximize and minimize buttons, sit's inside the top "bar") It also includes a Global menu, like MAC....

So user's that used Ubuntu long before unity, I would recommend you guys stick with Gnome 2/Classic gnome, you will be heavy disappointed with unity. New user's can use unity for now.

Give unity a go, don't just kick it! Yes, there is bug's, but remember, It needs to grow. Think of a tree, a new/small tree won't give you the shade you wan't, but when it's fully grown you will have the best shade you dreamed for.

Gimp VS Photoshop

I asked on lockergnome.net which one is better....
The results are:
one user said:

I have both PS, and GIMP, and I hear this a lot from a lot of people that ask me on YouTube, and yes PS has more stuff in store/inside it, and is more advanced, however you can do everything in Gimp as you can in PS, however it would take longer to do, and sometimes maybe harder to do.
When GIMP 2.8 is released you'll have a Cage Transformation Tool, Layer Groups, Improved Brush Dynampics, Single Window Mode, and more, you can head here to see an official preview of it on GimpUsers (Your best bet learning about GIMP's core), and you can also view GIMP's founders website, on GIMP 2.8's updates aka Peter Sikking.
As being both a PS and GIMP user, you can do the same in each, sometimes you may need to get a script for GIMP for lets say inner shadows/glows, cause it's not implemented inside GIMP as a filter, unless you do it manually, and I feel that needs a big improvement as far as GIMP's development is concerned, however with the 2.8 development of the updates, and bugs that are getting improved, fixed, and added I feel that Gimp is now going into the right direction, however there's only 3 people (and now 2 interns) that are developing Gimp which is why the development, and releases take so long.
Now keep in mind that GIMP is also free, open source, and cross platform which makes it a big plus over PS, and yeah I know PS is cross platform, but it's only available for Mac, and Windows, while Gimp is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix, Solaris, and Iris. However PS will always be on the top of the list due to it's popularity, advanced tools, and filters inside it, while Gimp maynot have some of them.
However PS CS5's Content Aware Fill was very big improvement for the PS team, however encase you guys didn't research the Resynthesizer script for Gimp was out before Content Aware Fill was and it didn't really get noticed or any hype until users started searching, and finding it. (btw: you can get the Resynthesizer script here)
To be honest I'm really sick, and tired of hearing these debates, PS users saying their sh*t's better than GIMP's and GIMP users saying the same, they both, and pros, and cons, and they both can do the same things, and their both on the top of the list PS, is the top dog for designing, but when you're talking a free alternative to PS then GIMP is on the top of the list (Unless you're referring to SUMO Paint which is a great free web based alternative to PS) I can't say stop the debate, cause in my opinion people will debate on whatever they want, as long as they can get a discussion out of it, see what happens, or just defend what they like better. Perfect example Mac vs. Windows.
Also don't give me that crap that GIMP's just a lower class program than PS, or that it sucks. There's plenty of people that use GIMP that makes eye sores, just like there's plenty people that use PS that make eye sores. I'm sure we've all had out share of making a really ugly/terrible image/design. For example this forum sig I made back in 2008. However you can still make very good looking images, photo manipulations, etc: in Gimp just like you would in PS.

Here's some examples:
Unicorn Digital Painting (No Tablet)
Human Puppet Animation (By Me)
Jasmo makes all her work in Gimp and is a tutorial poster on my Gimp tutorial site Griatch, and Ramon (Founder of GPSaka Gimp Paint Studio) do all their digital paintings in Gimp (they also use MyPaint as well)
Art also uses Gimp as well, and used it to make this Cars like photo manipulation.
If you watch GimpKnowHow's tutorials, you can see also how advanced Gimp can be, and what it's capable of as well.
Now I post Gimp tutorials on my YouTube Channel, and here's another good example, where I create a rainbow spectrum in Gimp.
Now of course I can keep showing you more, and more great examples, however it goes to show you, not to believe in marketing hype, and make your own opinions yourself. Gimp's free, open source, cross platform, and if you don't like installers, you can get the portable version for it (Windows Only) here, so you have no excuses why you can't give Gimp a try, also regarding PS, it's shareware so you can give PS a try for 30 days using the free trial and see which one you wanna use, what one you like better etc:
Everyone is different, PS maynot fit you, while Gimp may fit you, in my opinion it's easier to use, and navigate with Gimp than PS, others may disagree, as we are all different. So this is my end of this stupid debate.
Did any of you know, that Google’s original logo from back in 1999 was made in GIMP? - Source

I totally Agree......
You can read more here > http://goo.gl/0NxPE

A cheaper solution to the iPad? Orange!

yes there is a cheaper solution, if you really want an Apple iPad. There is Orange....
Orange mobile operator has launched there own Tab

It runs Google android, with a 16.5 cm touch screen and 3g connection.  
"Orange Tablet offers portable, touch screen computing at a competitive price", the company said.
"Tablet computing is an extremely popular and growing segment of the consumer technology market and we want to offer our customers the best possible choice of device to suit all budgets and requirements," said Yves Maitre, Orange's senior vice president for mobile devices and multimedia. 
Now we can also have touch computing At our fingertips, for lower pricing......

Kaspersky: Android to dominate mobile

"Barcelona - Computer security expert Eugene Kaspersky predicted on Tuesday that Google's Android smartphone operating system will come to dominate the market, reducing Apple and BlackBerry to niche players.
Kaspersky, who founded the leading anti-virus firm Kaspersky Lab, said there is only "one company, one operating system which follows Microsoft's strategy of the 1990s" when its Windows computer operating system became dominant on personal computers.
"I believe that if Apple, BlackBerry, Microsoft... don't change their strategy very soon we will soon have the same mobile operating system landscape as we have with computers," he told journalists on the sidelines of the mobile phone industry's annual get-together in Barcelona.
Kaspersky predicted Android would eventually end up with 80% of the smartphone market, with Apple's iPhone and RIM's BlackBerry sharing the rest with 10% each.
Android dethroned Nokia's Symbian as the top smartphone operating system in the final quarter of 2010 by units shipped, according to market research company Canalys, with its market share leaping from 8.7% in 2009 to 32.5% last year.
Kaspersky's forecast comes amid a major shake-up in the smartphone market.
Nokia, which had difficulties mounting a response to the rise of Android and Apple's iPhone, announced last week it was phasing out Symbian and switching to Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 smartphone operating system.
Kaspersky said Microsoft was not repeating for mobiles the strategy of working closely with developers that ensured the success of Windows for personal computers but was instead keeping tight control over Windows Phone 7 like Apple does with its iOS.
"They are going the Apple way... I don't really believe they will have success," he said. "Maybe Nokia will force them to be open."
Both Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer and Nokia's Stephen Elop have emphasised here at the Mobile World Congress they intend to work closely with developers to ensure that outside developers create lots of applications for Windows Phone7 to ensure its popularity with consumers."

Samsung galaxy tabs fight's the iPad...

Samsung galaxy Tab is trying to win more consumers at buying there's instead of the Apple iPad...

The platform it uses is Google Android, version honeycomb. Honeycomb is expected to be build into many touch screen tablets, in a booming market currently "owned" by the Apple iPad.

Samsung tablet weighs 599g and is just 10.9mm thick.  dual surround-sound speakers, 8-megapixel rear-facing camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera.
1GHz dual core application processor.

Apple is already producing a new version of the iPad.....
the new version will have a front facing cam, for app's like Face time. Also more memory.
As you can see Apple is really trying to produce a much thiner and powerful device.

As for Samsung, they really made the Galaxy tab, what the iPad should have been...  

"In 2011, we will take Samsung's leadership in speed, screen and content to a whole new level," Samsung's mobile communications business chief, JK Shin, said.

Windows to make full web acceptable on Smartphone...

Microsoft - Windows, is making full web interrogation in the Windows Phone 7, possible later this year....

An update to the platform will enable users to view full web pages, on IE (internet explorer) 9

"We need to give people the full web, the full internet on their phone, like they've come to expect with the PC," Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer said at the mobile industry's annual get-together in Barcelona.

"Later this year we are going to release a version of Internet Explorer9 [web browser] complete with hardware and graphics and other hardware acceleration for the Windows Phone," he added.

"The web in some senses was designed for the PC first - we need to make it a first class citizen on the phone," he added.
The update hopes for a more beautiful web....


The Sony Ericsson "PlayStation" Phone

The new Sony PlayStation phone......
It will bring you glory.....

The phone is the Sony Ericsson's Android software-based Xperia smartphones,but with an added controller that slides out from the left hand side. It has a 10.2 cm touch screen, including a 5.0 mega pixel camera.

"I am delighted to see Xperia Play as the first PlayStation certified device," said Kazuuo Hirai, president of Sony's networked products and services group.
The phone runs the newest Android platform, which is  Gingerbread.....
and has games in the android market for this special Phone.

"Sony Ericsson said it had got together with major gaming publishers to deliver titles via the Android Marketplace, including Need for Speed, Sims 3 and the first multiplayer version of the FIFA game for mobile."                                                             Said News24.com
It has a 3d flow view of your game library.

"The new phone puts Sony's PlayStation gaming repertoire in the mobile arena to compete directly with Microsoft, which already makes Xbox games available on its Windows 7 mobile software."Said news24.com
Windows is already launching games from Xbox, to it's own mobile platform, The windows Phone 7.
Windows has gotten a major lead when Nokia announced it was switching from there own mobile platform to The windows Phone 7 platform from Microsoft.

Who will win?
who will lead to the next big thing?

the iPhone app that make online dating Safer!!

The new iPhone app to make online dating easier and safer...

"over 20 million people visit online dating sites, each month in the U.S" says new24.com 

well safer is just becoming more accessible, every day you might be scammed online in dating sites and who is there to stop them? no one!!!

"People are internet dating now and you don't know the character of these people," said Linda Smith, of Chicago-based Date Tracker Alert LLC, which developed the app.

"The person with the app can maintain their dating privacy," Smith explained in an interview. "But when you need help, when you don't check in, they (your emergency contact) have the information that will help them find you." 

very good app!! great coding work inserted into the app! 
will really make online dating safer and easier....

Does Ubuntu look awesome?

Look at the new Ubuntu desktop from my Ubuntu posts...

Click to enlarge 
What do you think?

The weather Bug window!

To view weather in a more modern way with live cameras and detailed information.
Try the weather Bug windows on the Google Chrome web browser...

This is a cool application for your browser that shows the weather with live cameras that shows images every 20 min, so you know the weather.

Now it also shows Google maps with added features, like show U.S radar or Satellite etc.

try it now yourself....
Weather Bug app from Google web store (link)

welcome Ubuntu

Welcome to Ubuntu station.

so I booted in to Ubuntu and was greeted by the loading screen then the user screen and finally, the desktop.
I was ready for some working!
so I joined the ubuntu Facebook fan page, as I knew if I would get errors, I could just ask there.
 Now the real fun can begin, Ubuntu 10.10.

I was already connected to the Internet. I visited the ubuntu software center for some of my windows programs
to be made in to Ubuntu applications. first was opera 11 (my default browser), then came pidgin chat, also a music player called rhythmbox (note I never used this on windows).

now I was ready to do basic stuff, like web search, and listen to music.
also went and downloaded a dock, I can't live without a dock on a computer....
then came the customization of the dock, the dock had to be beautiful, I saw a config on the ubuntu Facebook fan page, the dock was AWN with Lucido theme. You can customize it to look like a panel, so I did.
 now it stared to look like something and I had some of my applications.

so let's WORK! :)

I will keep you updated of what i will do next.....

JOIN Facebook page > http://www.facebook.com/pages/I-am-just-like-Ubuntu-OS/123925471013294?       ref=ts 

From time to time....

As you might know I like from time to time, to write in a series of  blog posts...
As from today forward I will port myself to write and use Linux, the main distro I will be using is the well known
Ubuntu. I will test and run this Operating system, and report back news, reviews and tips

If you want to take the challenge with me, download the free OS at >  www.ubuntu.com 

we will be looking at:
 1) usability compared to windows and mac
 2) customizing the OS (look and feel)
 3) and the the fun at giving tips and tricks
 4) applications we use.... we all love our programs on windows and our applications on mac, but we must                                             find good alternatives.

So here we go...

JOIN THE FACEBOOK PAGE > I am like Ubuntu (OS)