The unity interface on UBUNTU 11.4

[Update] Ultimate unity vs gnome 3 post! 

Really, why would I post this?
Well I am not going to write about this interface, but instead a will link a YouTube video.
Also asked the question on 
One user replied:

Yes, i like it, but since i'm not used to it, i like it less. It's a huge change in Ubuntu, i think it'll have a big impact on the users.
What do you think?  

The video.... Well I couldn't find Ubuntu 110.4 desktop edition, on YouTube, but this is Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook edition, the same interface as 11.04 desktop edition.

Unity is now officially launched!
After testing it, I am sad to say it sucks bad! But that doesn't mean it isn't GOOD...
the reason it "sucks" in my opinion, it isn't stable! if you want to upgrade to Unity, don't!
Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04, but choose "classic" gnome, before log in. The reason you must upgrade is, because of the new kernel, new features etc. 11.04 is also faster on my system (speed might differ form your's)

The reason it's "good", is because for noob/ new users, it's a better way to manage open windows and applications, also makes launching stuff easier from the "dash" and the unity "bar" (on the left off your screen). Also way better screen usage, it uses the WHOLE screen to it's max (when maximizing an folder or application, the close maximize and minimize buttons, sit's inside the top "bar") It also includes a Global menu, like MAC....

So user's that used Ubuntu long before unity, I would recommend you guys stick with Gnome 2/Classic gnome, you will be heavy disappointed with unity. New user's can use unity for now.

Give unity a go, don't just kick it! Yes, there is bug's, but remember, It needs to grow. Think of a tree, a new/small tree won't give you the shade you wan't, but when it's fully grown you will have the best shade you dreamed for.