Gimp VS Photoshop

I asked on which one is better....
The results are:
one user said:

I have both PS, and GIMP, and I hear this a lot from a lot of people that ask me on YouTube, and yes PS has more stuff in store/inside it, and is more advanced, however you can do everything in Gimp as you can in PS, however it would take longer to do, and sometimes maybe harder to do.
When GIMP 2.8 is released you'll have a Cage Transformation Tool, Layer Groups, Improved Brush Dynampics, Single Window Mode, and more, you can head here to see an official preview of it on GimpUsers (Your best bet learning about GIMP's core), and you can also view GIMP's founders website, on GIMP 2.8's updates aka Peter Sikking.
As being both a PS and GIMP user, you can do the same in each, sometimes you may need to get a script for GIMP for lets say inner shadows/glows, cause it's not implemented inside GIMP as a filter, unless you do it manually, and I feel that needs a big improvement as far as GIMP's development is concerned, however with the 2.8 development of the updates, and bugs that are getting improved, fixed, and added I feel that Gimp is now going into the right direction, however there's only 3 people (and now 2 interns) that are developing Gimp which is why the development, and releases take so long.
Now keep in mind that GIMP is also free, open source, and cross platform which makes it a big plus over PS, and yeah I know PS is cross platform, but it's only available for Mac, and Windows, while Gimp is available for Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix, Solaris, and Iris. However PS will always be on the top of the list due to it's popularity, advanced tools, and filters inside it, while Gimp maynot have some of them.
However PS CS5's Content Aware Fill was very big improvement for the PS team, however encase you guys didn't research the Resynthesizer script for Gimp was out before Content Aware Fill was and it didn't really get noticed or any hype until users started searching, and finding it. (btw: you can get the Resynthesizer script here)
To be honest I'm really sick, and tired of hearing these debates, PS users saying their sh*t's better than GIMP's and GIMP users saying the same, they both, and pros, and cons, and they both can do the same things, and their both on the top of the list PS, is the top dog for designing, but when you're talking a free alternative to PS then GIMP is on the top of the list (Unless you're referring to SUMO Paint which is a great free web based alternative to PS) I can't say stop the debate, cause in my opinion people will debate on whatever they want, as long as they can get a discussion out of it, see what happens, or just defend what they like better. Perfect example Mac vs. Windows.
Also don't give me that crap that GIMP's just a lower class program than PS, or that it sucks. There's plenty of people that use GIMP that makes eye sores, just like there's plenty people that use PS that make eye sores. I'm sure we've all had out share of making a really ugly/terrible image/design. For example this forum sig I made back in 2008. However you can still make very good looking images, photo manipulations, etc: in Gimp just like you would in PS.

Here's some examples:
Unicorn Digital Painting (No Tablet)
Human Puppet Animation (By Me)
Jasmo makes all her work in Gimp and is a tutorial poster on my Gimp tutorial site Griatch, and Ramon (Founder of GPSaka Gimp Paint Studio) do all their digital paintings in Gimp (they also use MyPaint as well)
Art also uses Gimp as well, and used it to make this Cars like photo manipulation.
If you watch GimpKnowHow's tutorials, you can see also how advanced Gimp can be, and what it's capable of as well.
Now I post Gimp tutorials on my YouTube Channel, and here's another good example, where I create a rainbow spectrum in Gimp.
Now of course I can keep showing you more, and more great examples, however it goes to show you, not to believe in marketing hype, and make your own opinions yourself. Gimp's free, open source, cross platform, and if you don't like installers, you can get the portable version for it (Windows Only) here, so you have no excuses why you can't give Gimp a try, also regarding PS, it's shareware so you can give PS a try for 30 days using the free trial and see which one you wanna use, what one you like better etc:
Everyone is different, PS maynot fit you, while Gimp may fit you, in my opinion it's easier to use, and navigate with Gimp than PS, others may disagree, as we are all different. So this is my end of this stupid debate.
Did any of you know, that Google’s original logo from back in 1999 was made in GIMP? - Source

I totally Agree......
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