Unity upgrades in 11.10

As we all know Unity!  Sucks! 
I Quote from my Update
Unity is now officially launched!
After testing it, I am sad to say it sucks bad! But that doesn't mean it isn't GOOD...
the reason it "sucks" in my opinion, it isn't stable! if you want to upgrade to Unity, don't!
Upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04, but choose "classic" gnome, before log in. The reason you must upgrade is, because of the new kernel, new features etc. 11.04 is also faster on my system (speed might differ form your's)

The reason it's "good", is because for noob/ new users, it's a better way to manage open windows and applications, also makes launching stuff easier from the "dash" and the unity "bar" (on the left off your screen). Also way better screen usage, it uses the WHOLE screen to it's max (when maximizing an folder or application, the close maximize and minimize buttons, sit's inside the top "bar") It also includes a Global menu, like MAC....

So user's that used Ubuntu long before unity, I would recommend you guys stick with Gnome 2/Classic gnome, you will be heavy disappointed with unity. New user's can use unity for now.

Give unity a go, don't just kick it! Yes, there is bug's, but remember, It needs to grow. Think of a tree, a new/small tree won't give you the shade you wan't, but when it's fully grown you will have the best shade you dreamed for.

See the red?
Well the tree is growing with these "upgrades" Ubuntu is pushing out.
Still Ubuntu unity sucks! I use it, many others... well :(

User: Will it "grow" like you say? 
Default applications
So what can we expect to see? Based on discussion at UDS: -
Gwibber already has Quicklist support in Unity but will benefit from an unread tweet/message count in Ubuntu 11.10.

Update-Manager will receive an update count, progress bar and quicklists containing items such as ‘check for updates’, etc.

Banshee won’t gain player controls in its’ quicklist but ‘media sources’ – as currently found in the Banshee sidebar – will be entered. A progress bar for music and podcast download will also be looked into.

Dynamic quicklists – as seen in AWN and Docky – have been suggested for use with Nautilus, with its quicklist containing user shortcuts and favourites. Progress bars to relay something transfer/copy status are also being mooted.

Other integration changes planned include control items in Transmission’s Quicklistand progress bars for Brasero – and the Ubuntu Software Centre.
Simple quicklists are also proposed for Gedit, the Terminal, new default backup ‘Deja Dup’ and movie player Totem.
Quicklists for other apps
Filling in the gaps for non-default applications has been the community at large, diligently adding Unity-launcher support to their favourite applications.
Ubuntu are keen to get help creators of 3rd party quicklists for their application get the changes into the relevant Ubuntu packages/upstream so that everyone can benefit from them.